Archives November 2022

Z-LiveRec 2.27 launched!

News and changes in version 2.27

I must first confess that not all new functionality works directly as expected. In the 2.26 version we introduced our first implementation to be able to use Z-LiveRec virtually from any VNC Client (like an iPhone, iPad or Android device) connected to the hosting Raspberry PI with a multitrack mixer attached over USB. But our first attempt was not 100% – But in 2.27 we have improved the implementation a lot – to make the remote experience perfect – just a checkbox and the functionality is up and running. In this new version you will also find many other improvements and fixes.

Have a look – and please check the new version out!

  • Fixed a problem with the filename dialog, so that pressing “Cancel” will abort the recording process.
  • Changed the filename dialog when running remotely in VNC – so the focus maintained and can be editable.
  • Addressed a problem when toggling between hardisk/storage devices when in touch mode.
  • Added a function so that a VNC session terminates when the VNC client is stopped.
  • Added a function so that a VNC session restarts after termination of a VNC Client/Session
  • Added so that the VNC Session uses the actual user at the VNC Host and be created in the user’s home directory.
  • Added a function to determine if Z-LiveRec is running in “Host” or in “Remote” mode. Visible in the GUI frontpage – “Host” or “Remote”. (The actual IP address can be seen in the license page)
  • Added a shutdown dialog to give options to reboot or only shutdown the system.
  • Investigated and found the issue why Bullseye have disappearing taskbars when attaching multichannel ALSA Sound Cards. See separate post at – Not implemented in Z-LiveRec – this is an OS patch.
  • Fixed a problem seen in PI OS Bulleye – Where Z-LiveRec did not store/read the saved hardisk path.
  • Updated the GUI on the license page/dialog.
  • Added a process to handle terminations of a Z-LiveRec window – like pressing windows “X” when not running in touch mode
  • Checked so that the autostart process uses the right credentials when created on the system.
  • Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions are available for both the trial and full version.

Check the Z-LiveRec V2.27 Manual for more information and details.

A free update is available for registered users (Login to “My Account” and download the latest edition or use the e-mail download link from the original order acknowledgement) and free demo/trial version is also available for everybody else to try the app!

Please note: Using the auto update function in Z-LiveRec (for registered users for the 32 bit version.) – You will find a zip file in the PI/Home directory – and you can just extract the zip file yourself – and the V2.27 version will show up.

The update process will try to unzip Z-LiveRec and overwrite the old version of the app – and a chmod r+x command can be required to get the V2.27 version to run again. See the manual for more information.

Best regards Anders /

A Raspberry PI OS Bullseye ALSA issue

A seen issue seen in both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions of the latest Raspberry PI OS called “Bullseye” is by using mixers with many channels like the Behringer XR18 or Mackie DL32S. The issue was showing up by just by inserting the USB cable in the Raspberry – the taskbar in the menu (also known as lxpanel) flashed for about 3 times and then the taskbar disappeared completely (Which made the Raspberry a bit hard to handle and work with) -even if Z-LiveRec would continue to work just perfectly.

However, this problem did not occur in the previous OS – “Buster”. So after much research around different sound cards and devices – because the problem was only seen with these multichannel mixers (2-10 channel devices were working fine)

So after digging hard and been looking on the alsa.conf, .asoundrc files etc…I gave up and just copied the alsa.conf file from an old Buster OS to my Bullseye installation. And viola – IT WORKED FINE!

So if you want to implement my “patch” – just follow these steps – (if you are not a Linux hacker):

  1. Go to the /usr/share/alsa directory on your Bullseye installation
  2. from the lxterminal use the follwing command: (To delete the current alsa.conf – 9.6kB)
    (You could make a copy of this file and store it some where else)

sudo rm alsa.conf
  • Download the Buster from
  • Unpack it in your home/pi directory
  • From the lxterminal use the following command: (To copy the Buster alsa.conf – 9.4kB to it’s right place)
sudo cp /home/pi/alsa.conf /usr/share/alsa

READY Just to reboot – and you will not have any problems disappearing taskbars anymore!

64 bit trial version of Z-LiveRec available for download


News from 2022-11-14: We added a 64-bit trial version for 64bit Raspberry PI OS. The trial version is available for download at the Z-LiveRec Shop. (And you will find the 32bit version here also)

The trial version is limited to maximum 200MB of recordings.

In the full version of Z-LiveRec – both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Z-LiveRec are included.

Z-LiveRec V2.26 has been tested with Raspberry PI OS 11 (Bullseye)