A seen issue seen in both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions of the latest Raspberry PI OS called “Bullseye” is by using mixers with many channels like the Behringer XR18 or Mackie DL32S. The issue was showing up by just by inserting the USB cable in the Raspberry – the taskbar in the menu (also known as lxpanel) flashed for about 3 times and then the taskbar disappeared completely (Which made the Raspberry a bit hard to handle and work with) -even if Z-LiveRec would continue to work just perfectly. Please see the complete post here: and the solution!

Z-LiveRec does currently not support the new 64 bit Raspberry PI OS [Fixed from V2.25]

Z-LiveRec does not work just out of the box on the new 64 bit OS (BullsEye). Some recompiling is needed. We will fix this in the next version. (Fixed in V2.25 package – a 64 bit version is now added)

Z-LiveRec does not support local language OS – like German or French – only English [Updated in V2.24]

This have been fixed in V2.24. You can run any local language OS or character maps.

TCL error reported when starting Z-LiveRec

A library error have been reported by some users when trying to start Z-LiveRec and which seems to show up on certain builds of Raspberian…for some reason. (Investigations is currently done – TCL is a part of TKInter which is the GUI used by Z-LiveRec.

To fix this error is the following needs to be done:
1. In file /usr/share/tcltk/tk8.6/tk.tcl comment out or delete the line package require -exact Tcl 8.6.11

This can be done by using the following command from a terminal window:

sudo nano /usr/share/tcltk/tk8.6/tk.tcl

Now you can look for the line:

package require -exact Tcl 8.6.11

Comment out the line by using # or delete the line completely or change it to package require -exact Tk 8.6.9

You can save the file by Pressing Ctrl+X, Y, and Enter to exit the nano editor.

Do the same process for the file /usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.6/init.tcl and comment out or delete the line package require -exact Tcl 8.6.11

sudo nano /usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.6/init.tcl 

Now you can look for the line:

package require -exact Tcl 8.6.11

Comment out the line by using # or delete the line completely or change it to package require -exact Tk 8.6.9

You can save the file by Pressing Ctrl+X, Y, and Enter to exit the nano editor.

A reboot required.

After that Z-LiveRec should start successfully and works like charm.

Big thanks to the user Jiri who reported the solution to the error!

Workflow suggestions to create virtual sound check multitrack files. [Have been fixed in V2.24]

Z-LiveRec recordings sometime needs to be edited in a DAW app to become more exact and useful to be able to perform virtual sound checks with XR18 och DL16S/32S. (Just to be able to cut down one song…or a part of the recorded concert instead of a complete rehearsal)

To be able to do that the multitrack file currently needs to be edited in any DAW system like the Audacity, Reaper, Cubase or Logic Pro etc…

To read a generated multitrack file in these DAW systems is often no problem. (Wav, W64 or CAF)

The problem starts when trying to post back a multitrack file and get Z-LiveRec to replay it back again to your mixer.

This file will probably not work…you will get no sound…etc…(but it is running)

The solution below have been included in Z-LiveRec V2.23 and forward. So no need to convert DAW files from 32 bit breed to 24 bit.

Most DAW systems are saving exports in Floating-Point 32 bit deep multitrack files. The original file generated by Z-LiveRec is a 24 bit deep signed-Integer file – (To save space and CPU performance)

So if you receive a multitrack file from a DAW systems, which you want to use in Z-LiveRec – a conversion process needs to be done:

  1. Copy the processed and saved multitrack file from DAW on to the USB Stick (which you will use in the Raspberry)
  2. On your Raspberry – Open the terminal window
  3. Go to the directory where the multitrack files are stored.
  4. Run the command:
sox input.wav -b 24 output.wav
  • Note: change input or output to filenames that you are using and want to create – same thing with the extension)
  • A new “output.xxx” file will be created- The operation will take about 2-3 minutes. Now you will have a perfect copy of your processed file – which now are using 24 bit size instead. (Which will work great in Z-LiveRec

Note: Z-LiveRec V2.24 can read sound files created outside Z-LiveRec. Z-LiveRec will determine file type, amount of channels and bit depth automatically.